About me

I am a pioneering developer who created the first UNIX/LINUX antivirus and multi-platform virus scanner, Peter also invented CVDL,
the first language for describing computer viruses.

Peter designed and wrote the first UNIX/LINUX antivirus product and
the first heterogeneous virus scanner available.

… the story of

Radatti Peter

while he worked for General Electric, he designed and worked on very early fiber optics computer networks. That predated the general availability of fiber optics. After General Electric, he worked for SRA on a contract for the Army JCALS program as a security engineer. In 1988, he started his computer security company, CyberSoft, Inc., which sold primarily to the US Defense Department.

In 2002, CyberSoft, Inc. reorganized into three companies.
CyberSoft Operating Corporation opened CyberSoft International in Milwaukee.
Peter created the first UNIX antivirus and heterogeneous virus scanner.

Books Published


Best Book Selling

Best Sellers

Base – 10
Radionics Machine

How to Build an
Electronic Witness Well for Radionics

A Fun Course in Beginning Radionics: Miracles in the palms of your hands

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